Dear friends,
It’s been over two years since we’ve been able to gather at all in person. However, as of May 1, the University of Toronto is lifting most of its COVID-related restrictions. As such, I am hopeful that come September we will be able to start meeting in person again. Since Regis College now is equipped for hybrid in-person/digital meetings, my aim is to combine the best of both worlds: what we had before the pandemic, as well as the benefits offered by remote access. Just as remote access was itself an experiment (made necessary by extreme circumstances), so too will this be. But my hope is that we will be able to provide something better than for the experiences of the last two-plus years.
I want to again thank the Lonergan community for their understanding and support throughout the pandemic. It very much meant a lot to myself and the LRI team to have a constituency that understood the challenges we were facing. Having said this, I do want to reiterate that restarting in-person gatherings will depend entirely upon the public health situation. If COVID restrictions are re-introduced, or if I personally judge the situation unsafe even apart from such restrictions, then in-person gatherings could be delayed. By this point I’m sure we’re all aware of realities, but nonetheless I feel it best to be explicit about them.
Jonathan Bernier
Executive Director