
Although there is no formal Lonergan studies program at Regis College, there is a recommended body of courses for students interested in focusing on Lonergan. These courses are selected with the following goals in mind:

  • To expose students to the foundational texts of Bernard Lonergan.
  • To place his thought in its proper historical and spiritual context.
  • To help students explore Lonergan’s contributions to systematic theology in the Catholic tradition.
  • To foster a dialogue with other disciplines and schools of theology and philosophy.

Please check the Toronto School of Theology Website to determine which courses are being offered in the current academic year.

RGT 3570Y/6570Y: Lonergan’s Insight / Dadosky

RGT 5223H: Lonergan’s Trinity: Systematics / Dadosky, Dias

Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametRGT 5578H: Lonergan’s Method in Theology / Rixon

SAT 2715H: Introduction to Epistemology / Mulrooney

SMT 5210H: Augustine, Aquinas, Lonergan / Vertin

SMT 5521H: Rahner and Lonergan / Vertin

RGT 1101H: Foundations of Theology / Rixon

RGT 2712H: Theology as Biography / Dadosky

RGT 3222H/6222H: God, One and Triune / Mongeau

RGT 3243H/6243H: Christology / Mongeau

RGT 3333H/6333H: Transformative Dynamics of Grace / Wilkins

RGT 3410H/6410H: Ecclesiology / Dadosky

RGT 3601H/6601H: Faith and Culture / Dadosky

RGT 3706H: Ignatian Contribution to Contemporary Ecclesiology / Goulding

RGT 5239H: Holy Intimacy: Kenosis / Goulding

SMT 5522H: Lonergan and Sexual Morality / Vertin

RGT 5728H: Philosophy & Theology of Beauty / Dadosky

RLG 3230H: Comparative Theology Seminar / Locklin

SAT 2706H: Introduction to Metaphysics / Mulrooney

SMT 3411H: Theology of the Holy Spirit / Dias

SMT 5211H: God and Evil / Vertin

EMT 5605H: Theological Method and Hermeneutics / Reynolds

RLG3280H: Christianities of South Asia / Reid

RGT 2710H: Introduction to Aquinas / Mongeau

RGT 3551H/6551H: Aquinas: the Summa Contra Gentiles / Mongeau

RGT 3552H/6552H: Aquinas on the Spiritual Life / Mongeau

RGT 3553H/6553H: Aquinas on the Incarnation / Mongeau

RGT 3581H/6581H: Hans Urs von Balthasar / Goulding

RGT 5224H: Interface of Spirituality and Theology / Goulding

RLG 3236H: Religious Pluralism and the Church / Locklin

SAT 1711H: Introduction to Aquinas / Mulrooney

SMC456H1F: Indian Christianity / Reid

SMT 2433H: Sacramental Life / Dias

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