When Monday, 23 September 2013 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM

Jim Morin, a Canadian living and working in Chile since 1983, has been developing a transdisciplinary approach to an ethical reconstruction of economics. Join us for a lively discussion of his work. He teaches in the Faculty of Religion and Philosophy at the Universidad Catholica del Maule in Talca, Chile.

In 2010, with the support of Scarboro Mission, Jim helped organize a Congress on theological discernment which focused upon economics. The contributions presented in the congress and other seminar held in other parts of Chile were co-published last year by his University, CARITAS, and the Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano. The book Hacia otras economias: Criticas al paradigm dominante offers a critical analysis of neo-liberal economics and suggests the possibility of a governable plural social economy.

Now the Departments of Economics, Philosophy and Theology at the Universidad Catholica del Maule are together developing a research center that forms part of a network which will continue to organize seminars and publish contributions towards rethinking the economy within this horizon. The objective is to promote trans-disciplinary dialogue and collaboration among universities, church agencies and NGOS and those from the public, private and tertiary sectors who have experience in offering ethically grounded economic alternatives that respond to the challenges of our times. The underlying strategy is to develop a network that bring together efforts which contribute towards an ethical reconstruction of economics that responds to the complex problems of our times and publish these experiences in order to influence upon programs of formation.

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